asbestos surveys, dynamic probing, percussion drilling, plate bearing tests, pumping tests, germany

Drilling and Sampling

You need drilling and sampling services in germany?
You want a reliable and experienced team with an inconspicious car without logo?
You´re looking for expertise on local geology and environmental regulations?

You can rely on our experience, our discretion and our equipment.

Some of our services to foreign customers in germany are:

Percussion drilling up to 80 mm Ø Groundwater sampling Soil gas sampling
Dynamic probing (penetration test - german standard) Monitoring wells (construction) Core drillings
Direct push (with percussion drill) Indoor air sampling Trial pitting
Pumping tests (incl. water treatment) Plate bearing tests Hazardous material surveys

Our equipment and sampling procedures meet the german and regional standards.

Laboratory analyses and testings can be carried out by accredited partner laboratories at reasonable prices.

Well Drilling
Drilling of groundwater monitoring well

We offer you even documentation and assessment of the field results and laboratory results according to german environmental and waste related standards.

Of course we also do remediations.

Percussion drilling
Using electrically driven equipment even indoor sampling
is possible