Remediation of soil, soil air and groundwaterWhen public is endangered by contaminations, remediation of the soil, soil gas or groundwater will be necessary. This has to be assessed for the individual case on the base of threshold values applying for the different harmful substances, respectively. Liability for soil remediation may arise from having caused the contamination or part of it (production) or from owning or having owned the property. With the German Federal Soil Protection Act (BBodSchG) and German Federal Soil Protection Ordinance (BBodSchV) in 1998 a nationwide base for the assessment of soil contaminations has been established for the first time. The ordinance includes threshold values demanding investigation or sanitation for various substances such as PAH, TPH, CHC, AHC, heavy metals and others.
Depending on the kind of utilization and condition of the subsoil sometimes a contamination with high concentrations of hazardous substances might not require remediation. On the other hand relatively low concentrations of pollutants might call for remediation (e.g. directly above groundwater level in awater reserve area. For most contaminations there are several options of remdiation. Except form excavation and diposal this might be soil gas extraction (for volatile pollutants), pump and treat measures, in situ biological remediation or retaining walls. |
Potential benefits for the owner except from the prevention of hazards are obtaining a building permit, lifting restrictions of use and an enhancement in property value. Remediation has to fit into the utilization and development of the property and pay off economically in the long run.
Talking about complex and expensive soil or groundwater remediations. Reviews of the project by our experts might save considerably on money and time.