Project |
Customer |
Former Laquer production plant |
City of Wiesbaden |
Investigation, remediation design and supervision of a mercury soil contamination including health and safety plan. Realisation fit into the ongoing construction project. |
Project developer |
Groundwater model for separation of two contamination plumes of CHC. Identification of a third contamination source that has been affirmed with supplementary investigations. |
Regional board of Hessia (Darmstadt) |
Conduction and supervision of CHC remediation. Soil gas extraction and groundwater treatment. |
Metal processing company in Stockstadt/Rh. |
Historical reviews and subsoil investigations of several sites including former gas production plants, foundry, railway workshops, industrial landfills, petrol stations. |
German Railway |
Demolition of buildings, disposal of excavated materials (25,000 t) |
German Railway |
Former premises of a major company (city of Frankfurt/M) |
Property investment company |
Investigation of building fabrics and geotechnical investigation of a shopping mall in Goettingen |
Property investment company
Environmental assessment (building fabrics, geotechnics, technical equipment) of several major office buildings |
Property investment company Developer
Environmental subsoil investigation, geotechnical investigation and demolition design for construction of a new store |
Wal*Mart |
Environmental site investigation (soil, soil gas, buildings) of a production plant for construction chemicals in Giessen |
Asset management company in Frankfurt/M |
Investigation and remediation of subsoil contamination by transformer oil and fire extinguisher foam |
Electric utility company in Heilbronn |
Subsoil investigations, remediation of soil gas and groundwater contamination by CHC at a former electricaal equipment production site |
Community of heirs in Frankfurt/M |
Investigation of building fabrics and subsoil, demolition supervision |
Port company of Frankfurt/M |
Former metal processing company |
Developer |
Building investigation, demolition design, pilote asbestos abatement, demolition application and demolition supervision for office buildings from the 1960s (175,000 m³ cubic content) |
Insurance company in Frankfurt |
Design and supervison of PCDD remediation of a former waste incineration facility |
Hospital in Frankfurt/M |
Hydrogeological study of a catchment |
Regional water board |
Project management for remediation of a kerosene spill at Rhein-Main Air Base |
Local environmental authority |
Design, conduction and supervision of remdeiation of a CHC groundwater contamination in a drinking water supply area | Regional water board |
Gasoline tank truck accident , soil investigation, hazard assessment, remediation design and supervision |
Insurance company |
Investigation and remediation of a soil air contamination by gasoline |
Local environmental authority (Army site) |